About YADDStats

YADD is an amazing program for decoding and logging DSC transmissions from coastal stations and ships. I've had a lot of success with it. It is, however, limited in terms of record keeping. I wanted a better way to count and keep track of what I've logged. So I wrote YADDStats.


PDF Instructions for Using YADDStats

Application Folder (zip file)

Source Code (zip file)

YADDStats is offered free for as-is use under the Apache License.

Overview of YADDStats

To use YADDStats you first need to export your YADD records from the YADD database and import them into YADDStats. How to do that is explained in the documentation.

When a new set of logs is loaded from YADD, YADDStats makes a list of all the new coastal stations that were added to its database and all the new frequencies that were added for already-logged stations. Both lists may be exported to CSV files for use in spreadsheets.

Newly logged ships are also listed as are all new position reports from ships.

YADDStats can produce all kinds of reports on what has been logged. The following three tabs show sample reports. Any report viewed on the View Station Lists tab can be saved to a CSV file by coming back to this page and clicking on the save to CSV button. YADDStats also makes location files that can be used to create maps in my DXMapMaker program. Here's a map of Ship Position Reports Logged in January/February 2021. Hover over the dots to see what was logged at each location.

Here's a report of coastal stations logged from South America from Pennsylvania. For example, Valparaiso Radio hs been logged 215 times including 11 times on 6312 kHz, 198 times on 8414.5 khz, and 6 times on 12577 kHz.

Some of the ships logged.

About three percent of the ships I log give a position report. YADDStats records all of those. These positions con be plotted onDXMapMaker.

The statistics page totals up everything I logged in January/February. It shows how many stations per country, how many countries and stations by continent and by frequency, and how many ships by frequency. Total numbers are in the bottom center.

YADDStats can also make individual CSV files by MMSI number showing all logs of each coastal station and ship. Here are my logs of Falmouth Radio loaded into LibreOffice CALC.

... and my logs of a randomly selected ship.

Copyright 2021 Don Moore