<../../basetitle>Permissions For Usage

Permissions For Usage of My Photos

Except where otherwise noted, all photos are copyright 1982-2017 by Don Moore.

Personal Non-Public Use: Permission is granted to anyone to use these photos for personal non-public use, such as wallpaper on your laptop or making printed copies to display in your DX shack or with your QSL cards.

Non-profit Public Use: Permission is granted for non-commercial use of these photos in print or on the web provided a link is included to www.DonMooreDXer.com/photos/lam/LAmPhotoMenu.html . I would also expect an e-mail with a link to your webpage or a scanned copy of the printed use of the photo.

For Profit Use: Advanced permission is required for any use of these photos by any for-profit print publication, electronic publication, or web site. Web sites that make less than $50 U.S. per month in revenue will be considered non-profit.

Public Display: Advanced permission is required for any other public display of these photos that does not fall under the above categories.