About UDXF Log Sorter


UDXFLogSorter.exe (zip file)

Source Code (zip file)

UDXF Log Sorter is offered free for as-is use under the Apache License.


To get started just download and unzip the executable file.

As the name implies, UDXF Log Sorter is for sorting logs in the UDXF mailing list files section. In mid-May 2021, that conatins a zip file of all logs for 2006-2019, a file of all logs for 2020, and monthly files for the first few months of 2021. (There is also a folder of sorted logs which I created using the program.) This application lets anyone create their own custom sorted files from those logs.

The first step is to just download all the log files you want to sort into their own folder. (If you are only interested in more recent logs you may want to delete some of the earlier years from the huge 2006-2019 file.) Then either paste the full path for the folder into the text box or else use the Locate Folder button to browse for it. Now you have three options on how to sort.

Sort By MHz: This reads through all the logs and creates individual sorted files by MHz (e.g. FQ_09_MHz.text for all 9 MHz logs). The logs are placed into a folder named FreqSort inside the logs folder.

Create Type Lists: This separates the logs out into individual files according to type (e.g. ALE, STANAG, etc) using a pre-defined hierarchy in the code. These are placed in a folder named TypeSort.

Custom Lists: This creates a file containing all logs that include the phrase typed into the box. Depending on how the phrase typically appears in the logs you may want to check one or more of the three options. For example, just searching for "ALE" will also bring back logs mentioning "Wales" or "gale warning". Checking to include an initial space would eliminate those but they you would miss a log that contains ":ALE". (Initial and final spaces typed in the text box are ignored. You must mark the check boxes.) If you check the Case Sensitive box you won't get logs with "ale" but for other phrases it might be useful. Experiment to see what works best for what you are searching for. Results will be placed in a folder named CustomLists with the search term in the file name.

Copyright 2021 Don Moore