About DXer Tools

This application is a collection of stuff that I wrote for my own personal use in domestic MW DXing. (Some of it is also useful for FM DXing.) Most of the tools use data from the US FCC. DXer Tools comes with files from April 2020 and May 2021, but the DXer can download and create new files at any time and switch between them. This makes it easy to use information that was current at the time when DXing SDR spectrum recordings.

My favorite tool is Call Sign Phonetic Search. The DXer inputs what the call sign sounded like and the application uses phonetic information and FCC station data to suggest possible matches.

The FCC Cross Reference tool is designed for helping ID stations when there's a partial ID on a sister station. Input any two frequencies (two AM, two FM, or one each) and DXer Tools will search for stations that either have the same ownerhip ....

... or the same city of license.

DXer Tools also ...
- creates formatted web pages to better display FCC AM station data
- reformats the lists from the Topaz Design web site
- checks logs for typos and other errors


Instructions for DXer Tools (Google Docs)

Application Folder (zip file)

Source Code (zip file)

DXer Tools is offered free for as-is use under the Apache License.

Copyright 2021 Don Moore